Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Porn on Airlines

I don't think airlines need to offer porn of any kind. Viewing porn an a plane could pose several problems. The person in the seat next to you might find what you are viewing to be vulgar or a child could be sitting next to you. The biggest problem I can think of if when you fly domestically is that the airline only offers one film for everyone on the flight. So does that mean if the airline permits porn we all have to watch it? I believe there is a time and place for everything and watching porn while your on a flight is not appropriate. If airlines allow passangers to view porn what will they allow next? Businesses have to keep their customers happy. So if there is only four people out of four hundred that want to view porn, it would probably be better for the airline to lose four customers instead of three hundred and ninety six. There are some of us who still have morals and do not want our families exposed to other peoples perversion. Ultimately its the airlines decision on what to allow their customers to view.

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