Thursday, June 24, 2010

How I handle oppsosition

I would have to say that I handle opposition in different ways. It depends on what problem or controversy it is that I am facing at the time. If I were facing a situation involving racism like in the story The Fourth of July I would say I would have to not do anything about it. The reason I say that is because in the 40s people of color were harmmed even killed for speaking out against a white person. So when they were told they could not eat in the ice cream shop they just acted like it was not big deal even though they were furious about it. They just kept to themselves and went on about their business. Thats exactly what I would have done in their situation. A different situation that comes to mind in another short story called Handling Room 15. This story is about a young woman who volunteers at a home for severely retarted children. Going in she thinks she will be able to handle whatever situation she comes into. After spending a couple of hours in a room with a child named Daniel she realizes that its not as easy to handle as she thougt it would be. Daniel developed a love for her that he had never developed for anyone else. The employees at the home encouraged her to come back because Daniel had never taken to anyone like that before. At the end of the day she told herself she would be back to visit him and as time went on she never did go back even though she wanted to. If I had been in her situation I would have went back. Even thought some things in life are hard to deal with I still deal with them. There are many situations that I want to walk away from because I am unsure of how to handle them. But I do what I think is best and handle things the best way I know how. Thats all a person can do.

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