Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Obesity is fastley becoming one of the largest global epidemcs. Paul Zimmett quoted " It's as big a threat as global warming." Studies in June of 2004 show that poor diet and lack of exercise are immediate causes of this problem. Janice Kaszursky said in her article titled People still getting fatter, that over one billion people world wide are now overweight or obese. I believe that society needs to be made aware of obesity becasue it not only effects adults but is also becoming a leading health concern for children. If communities around the world would instate programs that would teach people how to make healthier choices such as what types of food to buy at the grocery store, how to prepare healthier meals, what to eat at a restaraunt when dinning out, and how to exercise properly, I believe people would take into consideration what they are putting in their mouth. If society knew how much salt, cholesterol, trans fats, sugars, and calories are in the foods we eat, maybe we would all order a salad the next time we dinned out, or would take into consideration what type of meals we prepare at home. I also believe that children should have better choices at school. What type of example are we setting by allowing our kids to buy high calorie sodas from the vending machines or the extra chips, and cookies being sold on the lunch line. By teaching children at a young age how to make healthier choices we lower the chances for obesity in adulthood.

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