Monday, June 21, 2010

Gay Marriage and Adoption

I think marriage for gay couples should be an option. Whether or not someone is for it or against it, homosexuality is a big part of our society. They are already allowed to enter into domestic partnerships or civil unions which is the same thing as entering into marriage. Couples get the same benefits and responsibilities as hederosexual couples who are married including adopting children. I think same sex couples should be allowed to adopt children. There are so many kids in American alone waiting for parents. Gay couples most of the time will adopt children that have speicial conditions such as hiv and aids. If these couples are willing to give any child the opportunity for a normal life shouldn't we let them? I believe yes we should. We were not put here to judge anyone or their sexual preference. They are not hurting anyone by being gay or raising children so let them be who they are and let them love who they want to love. Besides who are we to say what is normal or not. No two people on this earth is going to have the same opinion on what is right or what is wrong. So I think people need to live their lives the way they want without the opinions of others.

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