Saturday, July 10, 2010

20 Senses Examples

10 Examples from Bombs Bursting In Air

Sound- the tiney voice rings out,

Touch- My arms rest on Maddies shoulders, being cocooned with reassurance, sent into ecstast, I found myself shaken, stimulating, exciting

Sight- took her for an exray, riches of literature, fireworks at the moment of explosion

Taste- Pizza,

10 Examples from Entropy

Touch- unnerving, uneven vibrations

Sight- people wrinkle, flowers wither, rundown subways, egg unscramble itself, sky would be black and we could see where the stars spend their days.

Taste- pizza and milk

Sound- playing the flute, screeching

How To Make Spaghetti

The first thing you would need to do is get all your ingrediants together. You will need to gather ground hamburger, meat, Ragu spaghetti sauce, I prefer angle hair pasta, onion, garlic, pepparoni, and garlic bread. Second , you will want to start boiling some water for your pasta and preheat the oven to 350 degrease for the garlic bread. Then start browing your hamburger meat. Once your hamburger meat is browned you will add some pepparoni and cook for about five minutes. One you have cooked your pepparoni with your hamburger meat you will drain the meats. After you drain the grease off of your hamburger and pepparoni I like to add my spaghetti sauce to the meat. When you add the sauce to the meat I always like to add a teaspoon garlic powder and a teaspoon of onion powder for extra flavor. Simmer the sauce for about thirty minutes. While your sauce is simmering place the garlic bread in the oven and cook for ten minutes. The last thing you will need to do is cook the angel hair pasta. Only cook the angel hair pasta for three minutes and then check to see if it tender. Angel hair pasta only takes from three to five minutes to cook so be carefull not to overcook them. After the pasta is tender drain the water off, rinse with cool water and add a little olive oil to keep the noodles from sticking together. Finally, you will place some pasta on the plate, cover the pasta with sauce, garinsh with a nice piece of garlic bread and sit down and enjoy your Italian feast.

Once More to the Lake

Rub, I felt the damp moss covering the worms in the bait can, saw him wince slightly , my groin felt the chill of death

Smell- bedroom smelled of lumber, smell of wet woods

Sound- hearing the boy sneak quietly out, screaming with delight, how sweet the music was on the water

Sight- the coves and streams, this hills that the sun set behind, saw the dragonfly alight on the tip of my rod

Taste- bottle of pop, doughnuts dipped in sugar

Thursday, June 24, 2010

How I handle oppsosition

I would have to say that I handle opposition in different ways. It depends on what problem or controversy it is that I am facing at the time. If I were facing a situation involving racism like in the story The Fourth of July I would say I would have to not do anything about it. The reason I say that is because in the 40s people of color were harmmed even killed for speaking out against a white person. So when they were told they could not eat in the ice cream shop they just acted like it was not big deal even though they were furious about it. They just kept to themselves and went on about their business. Thats exactly what I would have done in their situation. A different situation that comes to mind in another short story called Handling Room 15. This story is about a young woman who volunteers at a home for severely retarted children. Going in she thinks she will be able to handle whatever situation she comes into. After spending a couple of hours in a room with a child named Daniel she realizes that its not as easy to handle as she thougt it would be. Daniel developed a love for her that he had never developed for anyone else. The employees at the home encouraged her to come back because Daniel had never taken to anyone like that before. At the end of the day she told herself she would be back to visit him and as time went on she never did go back even though she wanted to. If I had been in her situation I would have went back. Even thought some things in life are hard to deal with I still deal with them. There are many situations that I want to walk away from because I am unsure of how to handle them. But I do what I think is best and handle things the best way I know how. Thats all a person can do.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Gay Marriage and Adoption

I think marriage for gay couples should be an option. Whether or not someone is for it or against it, homosexuality is a big part of our society. They are already allowed to enter into domestic partnerships or civil unions which is the same thing as entering into marriage. Couples get the same benefits and responsibilities as hederosexual couples who are married including adopting children. I think same sex couples should be allowed to adopt children. There are so many kids in American alone waiting for parents. Gay couples most of the time will adopt children that have speicial conditions such as hiv and aids. If these couples are willing to give any child the opportunity for a normal life shouldn't we let them? I believe yes we should. We were not put here to judge anyone or their sexual preference. They are not hurting anyone by being gay or raising children so let them be who they are and let them love who they want to love. Besides who are we to say what is normal or not. No two people on this earth is going to have the same opinion on what is right or what is wrong. So I think people need to live their lives the way they want without the opinions of others.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Porn on Airlines

I don't think airlines need to offer porn of any kind. Viewing porn an a plane could pose several problems. The person in the seat next to you might find what you are viewing to be vulgar or a child could be sitting next to you. The biggest problem I can think of if when you fly domestically is that the airline only offers one film for everyone on the flight. So does that mean if the airline permits porn we all have to watch it? I believe there is a time and place for everything and watching porn while your on a flight is not appropriate. If airlines allow passangers to view porn what will they allow next? Businesses have to keep their customers happy. So if there is only four people out of four hundred that want to view porn, it would probably be better for the airline to lose four customers instead of three hundred and ninety six. There are some of us who still have morals and do not want our families exposed to other peoples perversion. Ultimately its the airlines decision on what to allow their customers to view.

Thursday, June 10, 2010