Saturday, July 10, 2010

20 Senses Examples

10 Examples from Bombs Bursting In Air

Sound- the tiney voice rings out,

Touch- My arms rest on Maddies shoulders, being cocooned with reassurance, sent into ecstast, I found myself shaken, stimulating, exciting

Sight- took her for an exray, riches of literature, fireworks at the moment of explosion

Taste- Pizza,

10 Examples from Entropy

Touch- unnerving, uneven vibrations

Sight- people wrinkle, flowers wither, rundown subways, egg unscramble itself, sky would be black and we could see where the stars spend their days.

Taste- pizza and milk

Sound- playing the flute, screeching

How To Make Spaghetti

The first thing you would need to do is get all your ingrediants together. You will need to gather ground hamburger, meat, Ragu spaghetti sauce, I prefer angle hair pasta, onion, garlic, pepparoni, and garlic bread. Second , you will want to start boiling some water for your pasta and preheat the oven to 350 degrease for the garlic bread. Then start browing your hamburger meat. Once your hamburger meat is browned you will add some pepparoni and cook for about five minutes. One you have cooked your pepparoni with your hamburger meat you will drain the meats. After you drain the grease off of your hamburger and pepparoni I like to add my spaghetti sauce to the meat. When you add the sauce to the meat I always like to add a teaspoon garlic powder and a teaspoon of onion powder for extra flavor. Simmer the sauce for about thirty minutes. While your sauce is simmering place the garlic bread in the oven and cook for ten minutes. The last thing you will need to do is cook the angel hair pasta. Only cook the angel hair pasta for three minutes and then check to see if it tender. Angel hair pasta only takes from three to five minutes to cook so be carefull not to overcook them. After the pasta is tender drain the water off, rinse with cool water and add a little olive oil to keep the noodles from sticking together. Finally, you will place some pasta on the plate, cover the pasta with sauce, garinsh with a nice piece of garlic bread and sit down and enjoy your Italian feast.

Once More to the Lake

Rub, I felt the damp moss covering the worms in the bait can, saw him wince slightly , my groin felt the chill of death

Smell- bedroom smelled of lumber, smell of wet woods

Sound- hearing the boy sneak quietly out, screaming with delight, how sweet the music was on the water

Sight- the coves and streams, this hills that the sun set behind, saw the dragonfly alight on the tip of my rod

Taste- bottle of pop, doughnuts dipped in sugar